Channel: Sangeeta Natok
Category: Entertainment
Tags: shamimবাংলা শর্টফিল্ম 2021shahinhabibbangla new natok 2021shahin natokবাংলা নাটক ২০২১শাহীনের কমেডিfunny videoবাংলা ফানি ভিডিওbangla natok 2021জীবনমুখী ভিডিওbangla natokকমেডি ভিডিওfunny short filmshahin new comedy 2021bangla short film 2021theda khoyratishahin best comedyঠ্যাডা খয়রাতিভাদাইমা ভিডিওbangla comedyshathihashir video newশাহীনের ঠ্যাডা খয়রাতিrisatshahin theda khoyratiapelbangla funny videorubi
Description: We hope you like this comedy Natok. If you enjoy this video please SHARE & SUBSCRIBE. Subscribe Now: Comedy Natok: Theda Khoyrati | ঠ্যাডা খয়রাতি Cast: Shahin, Shamim, Apel, Rubi, Shathi, Risat & Habib. Camera: Riyad Editing: Shafiqul Islam Showkat Story & Direction: Shahin Label: Sangeeta ♦Top 20 Music Videos: ♦23 Best Audio Albums: ♦Best of Imran Mahmudul: ♦Bari Siddiqui Hit Songs: ♦Momtaz Hit Songs: SUBSCRIBE to Sangeeta Music for unlimited entertainment: ►Like us on Facebook: ►Follow us on Twitter: ►Site: Watch your favorite Natoks, Telefilms, Funny Videos and many more exciting videos on Sangeeta Natok! Sangeeta Natok YouTube channel is the complete package of unlimited entertainment. © Sangeeta *** WARNING *** All contents of the channel are reserved for Sangeeta, Bangladesh. Any unauthorized reproduction, redistribution or re-upload is strictly prohibited. Legal action will be taken against those who violate the copyright of the following materials presented! #Shahin #banglanewnatok2021 #ComedyNatok #Sangeeta2021 #FunnyVideo #ThedaKhoyrati #ঠ্যাডাখয়রাতি #HashirVideo # BanglaKoutok # banglanatok2021